Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Easy Pezey Chicken Fajitas

Tonight we had Chicken Fajitas!
Serves 6-8 people
The night before I placed the following ingredients in the crock pot:
2 Red Peppers, Yellow and Green sliced lengthwise
3 Red Onions
4 Large Chicken Breasts sliced lengthwise
1 package fajita seasonings
1 pint canned tomatoes
Placed the pot in the refrigerator before bed and then put it in the crock pot and turned it to low when I left for work. Upon arrival from work my home smelled amazing and the filling for our fajitas ready to be devoured. I chopped up fresh cilantro.  Had a bowl of cheese, salsa and sour cream.  Placed the tortilla chips in the oven at 350 for 5 minutes and served warm.  Everyone enjoyed our Mexican dinner.

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