Sunday, October 23, 2011

Take 2 on Chipotle-Lime Shrimp with Grilled Salsa as a Frittata

Take 2 on Chipotle-Lime Shrimp with Grilled Salsa as a Frittata

Using the leftovers from the night before, when I made Chipotle-Lime Shrimp with Grilled Salsa, I warmed the leftovers in a non-stick skillet.  Beat 4 eggs with 1 T. sour cream, added a pinch of salt and 5 grinds of fresh ground pepper.  When the veggies and shrimp are warmed through add the egg mixture to the veggies.  Stir to coat the veggies and shrimp.  Top the eggs and veggie mixture with a handful of Mexican blend cheese.  Place skillet in the oven under the broiler for 5 minutes until browned on top and eggs are set. Using a pizza cutter slice the frittata like a pie.

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